Employer Forms
You can download the forms listed any time you hire a new employee. Have the employee complete the forms, then keep them in your permanent employee files. You are required as an employer to have these completed for all employees. And don't forget to fax the state "New Hire Report" to the number shown on the form - it is required by law!
Click here to get the latest New Employee Forms
If you hire an independent contractor to provide services to your business, be sure to have them complete Form W9 when you hire them, it is required. You will need to provide them a 1099Misc if you pay them more than $600 in a calendar year - this form gives you the information needed to do so.
Click here to get this required form W-9.
If you are an employer in Virginia, you are required to post several informational documents available for your employees to see. For the latest list of required postings, click the following link,to be taken to the Virginia Employment Commission's (VEC) website.
Click here to see the postings list.